

Men And Serious Relationships/Marriage

So here's the question that's on a lot of women minds:
Other than the "independent women" issue, why is it that a lot of men don't want to be in a serious relationship or get married?

A lot of men now a days will avoid the, "why wont you marry me" or "why don't you want to get married or have a serious relationship"questions. I did some research and I got a lot of answers to why this is so.

If you want answers on topics like these you usually go straight to the source and this video is what I came up with.

Some web definitions (according to dictionary.com)

serious: (of a person) Solemn or thoughtful in character or manner 2. (of a subject, state, or activity) Demanding careful consideration or application: "marriage is a serious matter".

relationship: The way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.

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1 comment:

  1. lol nice video hahaha. But it’s true. In biblical times we have the wisest, the strongest, the first, and the bravest. They conquered cities and ruled huge Kingdoms but they all fell because of 1 woman. 1 woman wii. lol my finger.
