Does your boyfriend/girlfriend insist that they have access to your email, text messages, call log etc? And if so, is there ever a time that it's acceptable?
So how many of you have a boyfriend/girlfriend who demands you give email, facebook, myspace etc passwords? How many of them say, "make sure you don't delete your texts, call log, etc? If answered "yes" to any of the above questions your in trouble!
There's no excuse for someone to want all this information unless it threatening your well being.
If your boyfriend/girlfriend request any of this information he or she is very insecure and has some issues that need to be dealt with. Don't forget to comment below and leave your topic requests at the Contact Info page.
Say what?!! lol you must be joking on this one hahah. Aint no way in God’s green earth I’m going to give my girl my passwords to my stuff. She can demand it, She can cry for it, She can … u know? hell nah. Tried this? Never again.